Zerspanen und Eloxieren von Recyclingaluminium

Translated title of the contribution: Cutting and Anodising of secondary Aluminium

Carina Schlögl

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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The recycling of aluminum scrap makes sense from both an ecological and an economical point of view. In addition to its enormous potential for energy conservation in comparison with primary production (95 %) and the decrease in landfill waste, the recycling of aluminum offers a sustainable and steadily growing industrial branch. Aluminum recyclers can therefore operate successfully in countries where there are high energy and labor costs. In principle, aluminum can be recycled without quality losses, if the scrap is sorted and has a high quality. Depending on the wide range of aluminum alloying systems and the substantial number of different fields of usage, secondary alloys can contain a high number of alloying elements and impurities. From an economic standpoint, it is impossible to remove these elements completely. These elements could, however, influence the cutting and anodizing abilities of the material. Therefor the aim of this work is to extend the basic knowledge about these influences and the occurrence of interactions between alloying elements and impurities. For that reason, alloys produced from different recycling processes with different amounts of elements based on given standard limits, were analyzed. By using the software Modde for experimental design, the best processing parameters from different cutting procedures (e. g. cutting speed, usage of lubricants, etc.) are investigated. The experimental set-up was chosen to generate high surface qualities at low process costs. In the second part of the thesis, the anodizing behavior of different alloys is analyzed. For a high quality surface finish, the base surface and chemical composition of a work piece is essential. Additionally, influencing factors from the anodizing process (concentration of electrolytes, current density, temperature, etc.) and logistics (storage, mounting, etc.) are given. In order to represent industrial processes, a pilot anodizing plant with 15 tanks and a final volume capacity of nearly 1000 liters was put into operation.
Translated title of the contributionCutting and Anodising of secondary Aluminium
Original languageGerman
  • Friedrich, Bernd, Assessor B (external), External person
  • Antrekowitsch, Helmut, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

embargoed until null


  • aluminium
  • recycling
  • anodising
  • cutting

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