Survey for Ancient Foundation Remains by Enhanced C-Scan Processing of GPR Data

Rudolf Konrad Fruhwirth, Gerald Fuchs, Rainer Morawetz

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


M-02 SURVEY FOR ANCIENT FOUNDATION REMAINS BY ENHANCED C-SCAN PROCESSING OF GPR DATA Abstract 1 Ground Penetrating Radar is a widely used tool for shallow investigation of the subsurface covering several fields of application e.g. geological and geotechnical surveys UXO and utility detection archaeological investigation and many others. Depending on the problem a more or less large number of anomalies can be expected in the subsurface and needs to be distinguished by the GPR and interpretated by the operator. To distinguish close objects a proper resolution is required and to interpretate these objects a proper penetration is necessary. Especially in
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2002 - Florence, Italy
Duration: 27 May 200230 May 2002


Conference63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2002

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