Major natural gas pipeline projects in Germany using GPR

Jörg Czarnowski, Stefan Heinze, Peter Brühl, Cornelia Staib, M. Robeck, Gabi Frank, Rudolf Konrad Fruhwirth

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In July 1990 DORSCH CONSULT, Munich was engaged by Wintershall AG, Kassel to provide engineering consulting services for one of the longest natural gas pipeline projects in Gennany, the MIDAL pipeline (MITTE DEUTSCHLAND ANBINDUNGSLEITUNG/CENTRAL TIEON LINE) project and the STEGAL pipeline (Saxony-Thuringia Natural Gasline) . .For the first time in a project of this nature the Company employed geophysical methods on a large scale in the preliminatry investigation of the pipeline routes. The application of ground penetrating radar/GPR, in combination with other electromagnetic soundings, yielded rapid and reliable results. Without this ability to quickly and reliably interpret the GPR data on site, the project's success would have been in question.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1994
Event5th International Conferention on Ground Penetrating Radar: GPR'94 - Kitchener, Canada
Duration: 12 Jun 199416 Jun 1994


Conference5th International Conferention on Ground Penetrating Radar

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