Ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Einsatzes von LRI (Low Reduced Iron) im Hochofen zur CO2-Minimierung

Translated title of the contribution: Integrated examination of LRI- (Low Reduced Iron) input in the blast furnace to minimize CO2-emissions

Tamara Tappeiner

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Calculation models represent the background for the optimization of every process. It is important to know and to understand procedures to draw a conclusion about the consequences of technological changes in terms of modification of process parameters. Therefore, such a model was created for the blast furnace process to calculate the amount of reducing agent and demonstrate the CO2-minimization-potential with the input of LRI (Low Reduced Iron) and DRI (Direct Reduced Iron). LRI/ DRI is a prereduced partly metallized material from a direct reduction plant or smelting reduction plant with direct reduction shaft or fluidized bed reactors. Also during the production of LRI for the blast furnace process carbon dioxide is emitted, but if the production takes place with excess gas no additional carbon dioxide is generated. By producing LRI/ DRI oversea it is possible to decrease local emissions. Thereby the competitive position of the local steel industry can be increased. Furthermore, carbon dioxide emissions which are emitted during the transport of the material can be minimized, because compared with iron ore LRI/ DRI has a higher iron content and so less material has to be transported for the same melting capacity. Moreover, the material properties of transport and storing as well reoxidation behaviour were investigated in the course of this thesis.
Translated title of the contributionIntegrated examination of LRI- (Low Reduced Iron) input in the blast furnace to minimize CO2-emissions
Original languageGerman
  • Schenk, Johannes, Assessor B (internal)
  • Kepplinger, Werner Leopold, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Bibliographical note

embargoed until null


  • blast furnace
  • amount of reducing agent
  • sponge iron
  • carbon dioxide
  • reoxidation

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