Auswirkungen von Regelstrategien und Betriebsbedingungen auf das Degradationsverhalten eines Lithium-Ionen-Batteriespeichers bei Ultra-Schnellladestationen

Translated title of the contribution: Effects of control strategies and operating conditions on the degradation behavior of a lithium-ion battery storage system in ultra-fast charging stations

Lukas Georg Weißböck

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


In the course of EU-funded SYNERG-E project, ultra-fast charging stations were coupled with a lithium-ion battery storage at various locations in Austria and Germany. The motivation comes from relieving the network by peak shaving, marketing on the electricity balancing market and in trading. In addition to a short charging time for electric vehicles, avoiding grid expansion is in the interest of the grid operator. The aim of the thesis is to contrast and interpret the degradation behavior of the lithium-ion battery storage as a function of various control strategies and operating conditions. The python-based SimSES-Tool from the Technical University of Munich, which is an opensource software tool, was used for this purpose. In the context of this work, the thermal model was dispensed due to recommendation of development experts of the SimSES-Tool at the Technical University of Munich. The temperature influence was examined and discussed based on the cell manufacturer's degradation measurements and estimates of the temperature development under load. After calibration and validation of the battery storage system to be simulated, the SimSES-Tool was fed with load profiles, the results were prepared, evaluated, compared, interpreted and discussed. In relation to the current mode of operation, the battery storage degrades mainly (99%) on a calendar basis, is hardly cycled and has long operating pauses. In the study, the following relationship which regarding to calendar degradation behavior has been worked out: "The lower the average state of charge, the lower the calendar degradation progress". The goal is to avoid long-term high state of charges. With future electricity balancing marketing and the increasing electromobility development predicted by ALLEGO, the currently low cyclical degradation progress will gain in importance. In the course of this, the following relationship which regarding to cyclical degradation behavior has been worked out: "The lower the depth of discharge and the average charge or discharge current, the lower the cyclical degradation progress."
Translated title of the contributionEffects of control strategies and operating conditions on the degradation behavior of a lithium-ion battery storage system in ultra-fast charging stations
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Kienberger, Thomas, Supervisor (internal)
Award date23 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

embargoed until null


  • degradation
  • lithium-ion
  • battery
  • calendar degradation
  • cyclical degradation
  • control strategies
  • peak-shaving

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