2D-Modellierung von thermomechanischen Ermüdungsvorgängen in Hochleistungsbremsscheiben für Bahnsysteme

Translated title of the contribution: 2D modeling of thermo-mechanical fatigue processes in high performance brake discs for railway systems

Research output: ThesisDiploma Thesis

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Brake discs represent an important part of the entire brake management of railway trains. During emergency braking or in case of failure of other brake systems brake discs are under extremely high thermal and mechanical loadings as they have to convert the majority of kinetic energy into heat. The thermo-mechanical loadings cause the formations of residual stresses and permanent deformations. In order to guarantee safe operation these effects must not exceed certain tolerances and need to be tested experimentally and numerically. Due to high computing effort in three dimensions it is hardly possible to investigate the brake process using a 3D model with a moving heat source. Therefore the goal of this diploma thesis is to develop a 2D model based on an existing 3D model of a brake disc and furthermore to model a specific brake process. Two disc materials, different modeling strategies and the different models are compared with each other. A good correlation between the models could be achieved which enables the 2D model to be used for future applications, such as the implementation of surface roughness or the examination of fracture mechanics processes.
Translated title of the contribution2D modeling of thermo-mechanical fatigue processes in high performance brake discs for railway systems
Original languageGerman
  • Antretter, Thomas, Supervisor (internal)
Award date14 Dec 2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 24-09-2017


  • brake disc
  • thermo-mechanical fatigue
  • residual stresses
  • simulation

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