Rock Mass Drillability

Titel in Übersetzung: Rock Mass Drillability

Adler Jessie Pigozzo

Publikation: Thesis / Studienabschlussarbeiten und HabilitationsschriftenMaster Thesis (Universitätslehrgang)


The main conclusion of this project is that it is not possible to find a correlation between rock mass classification and drillability based on three tests. More cases are needed with different quality of both equipment and rock masses. Hence the suggestion is to continue to do further studies, in for instance a new SIMS IV project, where the predicted rock mass classification value is compared with the parameters used in this work. As the result of this project comes from an empirical data, the number of data collected is crucial to develop a strong correlation between more than one parameter. And as there was not a significant difference in rock mass quality between the drilled faces that belongs to this project it was not possible to reach a strong result comparing several differences of rock mass quality with the drillability parameters. Despite that a good correlation could not be found it gave experience and knowledge for Sandvik to deal with such tests and also to link the drillability to some new parameters instead of the traditional penetration rate. This might be useful for the future business within drilling tools, that the sales manager can talk “the same language” as the mining engineer. Follow the rock mechanics engineers getting the information to calculated the quality of rock mass also brings a very useful experience for who will use the acquired knowledge, where discussions about stability, rock quality parameters and where Sandvik can help the customers to find solutions.
Titel in ÜbersetzungRock Mass Drillability
Betreuer/-in / Berater/-in
  • Moser, Peter, Betreuer (intern)
Datum der Bewilligung23 Okt. 2014
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014

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