Publikationen pro Jahr

Persönliches Profil


  1. Solidification principles of metallic materials (Heterogeneous nucleation, Melt structure and melt treatment)
  2. Casting technologies of nonferrous alloys (HPDC, LPDC, Ablation casting.)
  3. Thermodynamics and kinetics (Thermo-Calc)
  4. Metal glass (Al, Mg, Ti based)
  5. Severe plastic deformation (ECAP, HPT)
  6. Electron microscopy (Transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography)

Bildung/Akademische Qualifikationen

PhD, Investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties in Mg-Nd-Zn-Gd/Y alloys , Northwestern Polytechnical University

Datum der Bewilligung: 1 Jan. 2010

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