ASTM Standards - Cementing C01 Technical Committee Active

  • Philip Bailey (Teilnehmer/-in)

Aktivität: SonstigeWirtschaft und Gesellschaft - Arbeit in einem Beratungsgremium (Indusrie, Regierungs- oder Nichtregierungsorganisation)


I joined this technical committee as part of activities that can be applied for the benefit for the University of Leoben in a multi disciplinary capacity and will add value to the activities of all its Chairs where Cement and Composite Materials are studied The development of standards, and modifications thereof, for hydraulic cements, their ingredients and combinations during manufacture, including specifications, test methods, classifications, guides, practices, and terminology. Investigation of the properties of hydraulic cements and promotion of improvement and reliability of testing of these materials. Joint sponsorship (with ASTM Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates) of the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), a cooperative project of the federal government (NIST) and ASTM, and liaison with international standards activities relating to cements. The area of interest of the Committee comprises hydraulic cements and their ingredients, all characteristics thereof, and the means used to determine those characteristics. The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM committees and other organizations having mutual interest.
Zeitraum2016 → …
Gehalten amASTM International, USA / Vereinigte Staaten